Flexiv Primitives Manual

Primitives are robots’ actions/skills that can be used to operate the robot and tools. Users can use a sequence of primitives to define lower-level tasks, such as moving the TCP, applying a contact force, and/or performing higher-level tasks, such as polishing a surface or inserting a connector, etc. Primitives are also the basic building blocks of PLANs, which are typically used for running a complete application. Below is a list of primitive categories:



Make sure the following conditions are met for any primitive:
  • The robot is well-calibrated with kinematics calibration, dynamics calibration, and torque sensor offset.

  • The tool’s weight (if any) should be accurate enough with an error smaller than 100g.

  • The robot’s operation should not exceed joint position, velocity, and torque limit.

  • Waypoints (if any) are within the workspace (i.e. reachable pose).

  • During the motion, the robot should maintain a high manipulability (i.e. the robot is not too close to the singular configurations).

List of Primitives